Tuesday, December 21, 2010

lost and yet found

I'm so excited.  I just signed up for a lecture by renowned photographer Freeman Patterson. It's a lecture called "Call to Creativity."  I've definitely been feeling the call of the creative lately and have missed an outlet to express.  I'm hoping to learn more about photography and perhaps that will help fill the void.  If nothing else, it's fun to get excited about a new calling.

I'm enjoying some down time as everyone is out of the house this morning.  The cleaners came so I headed out with Talia and Drew took off to Steveston with the girls.  Now I'm back, caffeinated, fed and happily listening to CBC in a CLEAN house.  Bliss.

Tonight Shepard's Pie is on the menu. this afternoon Drew, Ania and Annie are heading to Science World to see the Bodyworlds exhibition.  Annie heard some kids talking about it at school and has asked to go.  She is still fascinated with all things 'medical'.  When she had to get her blood drawn last week, I had no idea how she would react.  She was a superstar.  She watched the whole process and seemed so interested in the procedure.  We talked a lot about our body and blood after that.  I think this exhibit will be intriguing for her.

Here are my two little petunia's curled up on the couch the other day.  I just love it when they snuggle together.  Last night when I was putting Annie to bed, Lila asked to get under her covers.  Seeing the two of them side by side in bed nearly melted me.  When I started to think about having a second child the image that kept popping into my head was of two little gals curled up sleeping together.  I got a glimpse of that last night and it made me happy.  Hot damn, do I ever have a great life.
Fa la la la la la la la la

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